Dhaliwal Hospital
Divine Gynae Clinic
Surgical interventions in gynecology at Dhaliwal hospital women's  clinic  includes problems involving the uterus, vagina, tumors in uterus, fallopian tubes, menstrual periods, cervix and other common gynecological conditions. Experienced gynecologists work here with state-of-the-art equipment and perform both simple and complex procedures in a short-stay and same day discharge environment.

Key Surgeries

  • Hysterectomy
  • Non decent vaginal hysterectomy (stich less hysterectomy)
  • Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH)
  • TLH (total laparoscopic hysterectomy)
  • Endometriosis
  • Myomectomy (Fibroids)
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy
  • Operative laparoscopy
  • Laparoscopic management of ectopic pregnancy
  • Laparoscopic opening of closed fallopian tubes

    Full List

  • Bartholin cyst excision unilateral
  • Laparoscopic aspiration of cyst
  • Biopsy cervix
  • Laparoscopic salpingo ophrectomy
  • Colposcopy with biopsy
  •  D&C
  • Cryocautery of cervix
  •  laparoscopic sterilization
  • MTP
  • Cystoscopy
  • MTP with sterilization
  • Incision of hymen (hymentectomy)
  • Myomectomy
  • D&c with mirena insertion
  • Polypectomy
  • Diagnostic hystero- Laparoscopy
  • Laparoscopic ablation of endometriotic spots
  • Polypectomy and D & C
  • Laparoscopic adhesiolysis
  • Repair of perineal tear - post coital/traumatic
  • Diagnostic Laparoscopy with ct
  • Laparoscopic aspiration of cyst
  • Repair of perineal tear - third degree
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy with ct + ovarian drilling
  • Laparoscopic salpingo ophrectomy
  • Retained POC
  • Drainage of vulval haemotoma
  • Laparoscopic salpingostomy
  • Suction & evacuation
  • Excision of labial cyst
  • Laparoscopic surgery for lost iucd
  • Suction & evacuation - high risk
  • Excision of vaginal septum
  • Laparoscopic surgery for severe endometriosis
  • Tubectomy
  • Vaginal biopsy
  • Vulval biopsy
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